Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guinness likes Tootsie Rolls

Hmm, how should I put this?

Guinness likes tootsie rolls.

No, not that kind.

The kind Basil manufactures in the back yard.


  1. Yoda likes to eat the tootsie rolls out of the kitty litter box!!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  2. hi, i have been catching up on your blog today and wanted to say welcome home to guinness! your photos and video are great! the two boys seem to have been made for each other. also, happy anniversary! what a beautiful bride!! your dress and veil are just lovely. so romantic.

  3. Ugh. Carmen does too. She especially likes those "manufactured" by my lab, Mason. We started feeding him "Deter" and it seems to have helped quite a bit. She might sneak a lick, but usually doesn't goe for a nibble any more (she used to grab them and run around the yard, uncatchable, until she ate the tasty morsel!!).
