Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I went the whole day with my other cousins! There was a lot of commotion and a lot of competition going on, but overall it was another fun day with the family!

All 5 dogs in 1 picture!

Cousin Murphy and Auntie Sugar playing on the peed-on-ball.

Basil watching Cousin K.

Auntie Sugar mistook Basil for a horsey.

Basil didn't care. He had his on the ball.


  1. Hey there Basil...I bet you were tuckered out after so much socializing with all of those doggies! I think you are one lucky pup to celebrate in such a BIG way on Mother's Day! I wish I could've spent the day with you b/c it looks like it was sunny and warm there!
    -Daisy the Coonhound-

  2. What a mixed bag of dogs - all sorts of shapes, sizes & colors! So nice that you all get along - maybe humans should be more like us doggies!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  3. spending the day with family is always great!! and i think cousin k is keeping her eye on basil. she looks like she is wondering if basil can hula hoop with her.
