Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maws been sick a lot so she no can bwog bery much. We ez takin care of her. We sweep wif her and fart in da other direction.

Basil and Guinness on the sofa. Maws in bed so we haz da sofa allll to ouselfs.

Saturday we pays wif allll if our couzins.

Today we just hung out at home wif maw who was home sick.


  1. hope your momma feels better. We are sure she will since you are taking care of her. Lazy over here is sick too
    Benny & Lily

  2. Feel better! I do love that yellow couch, and especially how the duo look perched on that couch.

  3. You guys better be taking really good care of your maw! I hope she feels better soon. Give her a hug for me.

  4. Hope your momma gets to feeling better real soon!
